Gad Getz

Principal Investigator
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Massachusetts General Hospital

Gad Getz directs the Cancer Genome Computational Analysis group at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where he is a core institute member. Under Getz’s leadership, the Cancer Genome Analysis group has established itself as a world leader in the development and application of genomic technologies and next-generation sequencing for analyzing cancer mutations.

In addition to his role at the Broad, Getz is a co-PI of the primary The Cancer Genome Analysis (TCGA) Genome Data Analysis Center (GDAC) and leads this effort at the Broad; he is also a co-PI of the Broad’s Proteogenomics Data Analysis Center. He has been involved in numerous large-scale cancer genome projects such as the Tumor Sequencing Project (TSP) and the TCGA project (both pilot and extension), which generated and analyzed data from over ~10,000 samples of various cancers, using multiple profiling platforms. Getz has also been a co-leader of the international effort for pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes (PCAWG) as part of a joint effort between TCGA and the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC); was a member of the NCI’s Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel; and co-led one of three NCI Cloud Pilots. He has published numerous papers in prominent journals describing new methodologies to study cancer genomes that have identified new genes and pathways involved in different tumor types, mutational signatures, and tumor evolution. His lab is currently interested in studying the heterogeneity and clonal evolution of many types of different cancers; single-cell analysis of tumors and the tumor microenvironment; drivers of resistance to therapies; the proteogenomic analysis of tumors; the role of somatic mutations in normal tissues; and other facets of the cancer genome.

Getz received his B.S. degree in physics and mathematics from Hebrew University and an M.Sc. in physics from Tel-Aviv University. He later earned a Ph.D. in physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard with Todd Golub, where he focused on developing computational tools and analyzing expression of miRNAs across cancer.

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