Principal Investigator
Associate Director, Scientific Operations
Operations Specialist
Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor
Scientific Project Manager II
Research Scientist II
Group Leader, Computational Biology
Computational Biologist
Associate Director, Scientific Projects
Computational Biologist II
Senior Software Engineer
Principal Architect (part time)
Principal Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Associate Computational Biologist I
Associate Computational Biologist II
Senior Associate Computational Biologist
Postdoctoral Fellow
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar
Postdoctoral Scholar
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Scholar, Instructor
Ph.D. Student, MIT CSAIL
PhD Student, Harvard - Chemical Biology Program
Ph.D. Student, MIT - Computational and Systems Biology
PhD Student, Harvard - Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Program
PhD Student, Harvard - Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) Program
Head of Computational Biology at Predicta Biosciences
Principal Computational Biologist at Predicta Biosciences
Instructor in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Johanna Quandt Professorship for Early Cancer Development and Prevention at the Berlin Institute of Health
Associate Professor in Computational Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
Assistant Professor at Biotechnology & food engineering. Technion.
Research Intern
Visiting Graduate Student
Undergraduate Researcher, MIT UROP
Master's Student, MIT
Group Leader
Software Engineering Intern
PhD Student, Harvard - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Research Associate II
Research Associate I
BSSP Intern
Visiting Researcher
Administrative Assistant
Masters Student, Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health
Associate Compuational Biologist II
PhD Student, Harvard Medical School
Senior Project Coordinator
Research Associate III
Ph.D. Student, Harvard Medical School
Associate Computational Biologist
Operations Manager
Associate Director for Data Science, CGA
Associate Computational Scientist II
Research Fellow, affiliated
Postdoctoral Associate (co-mentored with Dr. Catherine Wu)
Postdoctoral Associate (co-mentored with Levi Garraway)
Group Leader, Computational Methods Development